The purpose of this page is to explain the reasons why we celebrate the various feasts of our church calendar. Below you will find various links to lessons associated with a certain holiday where you can read up on why we celebrate it (ie. What makes that day special?).
— The Annunciation of the Virgin
የህ የድህረ ገጻችን ክፍል አላማው የቤተክርስቲያናችንን ባዕላትን ለምን እንደምናከብር ማሳወቅ ይሆናል። ከስር በርካታ ሊንኮችን ያገኛሉ። እያንዳንዱ ሊንክ ካንድ ባዕል ጋር ቁርኝት አለው።