Wednesday (Praise of Mary)

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All the hosts of heaven say you are blessed; the second heaven on earth. The east gate, Mary the virgin, the pure bride-chamber of the Holy bridegroom. The father searched from the heavens and found none like you. He sent his only One, and he became incarnate within you. Ask for us Holy.

All generations praise you, our only Lady, the mother of God. Great and marvellous things were prophesied about you; O city of God, you became the dwelling place of those who rejoice. All the kings of the earth walk in your light and all the nations in your rays. O Mary, all generations called you blessed and worship the one born of you and also magnify him. Ask for us Holy.

You are the true cloud, which showed us the rain water. The Father made you the sign of the only begotten; the Holy Spirit dwelt upon you, and the power of the most High overshadowed you. O Mary, you truly gave birth to the Word, the son of the Father, who was for all ages, came and saved us from our sins.  Great is the honour given to you; O Gabriel, the angel, with a joyful face you  brought the good news, and preached to us the birth of the Lord, who came to us. And you announced to Mary, the virgin, without blemish, and you said to her “Rejoice, O full of grace, God is with you. Ask for us Holy.

You received grace, the Holy Spirit dwelt upon you, and the power of the most High overshadowed you. O Mary, truly you have given birth to the Holy one; the saviour of the whole world, who came and saved us. Ask for us Holy.

The works of the virgin, our tongues glorify today. We praise Mary, the mother of God, through who, our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ was born in the city of David. Come all nations, let’s give praise to Mary, she has become a mother and virgin at once. Rejoice, O pure virgin, within who there is no blemish; the Word of the Father came and was incarnate from you. Rejoice, O vessel, without blemish, perfect and spotless woman. Rejoice, O garden of reason, you became the dwelling place of Christ; He became the second Adam because of the first Adam, the man. Rejoice, O woman, who gave birth to the Only-begotten, who went forth from the bosom of his Father, without change. Rejoice, O pure bride-chamber, you are decked in all wisdom of glory; he came and was incarnate from you. Rejoice, O bush (Patos), who the fire of the Godhead did not consume. Rejoice, O maid and mother, virgin and the second heaven; who carried, in flesh, the Heavenly, who is carried upon Cherubim. Due to this, we rejoice, and we sing, along with the Holy angels. In joy and gladness we say, “glory to God in the heavens, and peace upon earth and his goodwill towards mankind”, because He to whom belongs glory and praise is pleased with you. Ask for us Holy.

From all the saints, the glory of Mary is greatest; she has been found worthy to receive the Word of the Father, who the watchful angels fear and give thanks to in heaven. In her womb, the virgin Mary carried him. She is greater than the Cherubim and superior to the Seraphim; for she became the ark for One from the Holy Trinity. She is Jerusalem, the city of the prophets, the dwelling-place of the joy of the saints. A great light has shined upon all the people who were in darkness, and the shadow of death. God who rests in his holiness, became incarnate from a virgin, for our salvation. Come and see this marvel and sing a song regarding this mystery revealed for us; He who isn’t man, became man. The word has unified [with our nature] and he who has no beginning, became before. He who has no days, days occurred for him.  He who can’t be known, became revealed. He who is invisible, became visible. The son of the living God became man without question, Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever; one nature, him do we worship and praise. Ask for us Holy.

Ezekiel, the prophet, testified about her saying, “I see a sealed door in the east, sealed with a great and wonderful seal, and no one, except the Lord of the mighty, has gone in through it: gone into and come out of it.” Ask for us Holy.

This door is the virgin, who gave birth for us our saviour. After giving birth, she was still in her virginity as before. Blessed is the fruit of your womb. O mother of the Lord who came and saved us from the hand of the merciless enemy. You are complete and blessed. You received favour with the King of Glory, truly God. For you is due majesty and glory from all who dwell upon earth; the Word of the Father has come and become incarnate from you. He walked with men. He is merciful and a lover of men; our saviour of our souls through his Holy coming. Ask for us Holy.