Tuesday (Praise of Mary)

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The crown of our glory and the origin of our salvation and the foundation of our sanctification happened by the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Word of God for us. He became man for our salvation. After becoming man, with certainty he was God; for this reason she gave birth to him, being a Virgin. Marvellous, is the power of her giving birth, which cannot be described. Ask for us Holy.

By his own will and the goodwill of his Father and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us. Great, is the praise of your virginity; O Mary thou absolute virgin, you received favour, God was with you. You are the ladder Jacob saw, which stretched from the earth to the heavens, and the angels of God ascended and descended upon it. Ask for us Holy.

You are the bush seen by Moses which flamed with fire but was not consumed. It was the son of God who came and dwelt within your womb; and the fire of his divinity didn’t consume your flesh. Ask for us Holy.

You are the field wherein no seed was  sowed, and yet from you came the fruit of life. You are the treasure-chest which Joseph bought and received from within a precious gem which was our saviour Jesus Christ. You carried him and brought him forth into the world. Ask for us Holy.

Rejoice, O mother of the Lord, the joy of the angels. Rejoice, O pure one, you were the news of the prophets . Rejoice, you have received favour, God is with you. Rejoice, you have received the word of the angel, the joy of all the world. Rejoice, O mother of the creator, of the whole world.

Rejoice, you have justly been called the mother of God. Rejoice, O saviour of Eve. Rejoice, you nurtured the one who nurtures all creation. Rejoice, O holy, mother of all living beings, we lift our eyes to you that you may ask on our behalf. Ask for us Holy.

O Virgin, O Holy, O mother of the Lord, you gave birth to the King for us. A marvellous mystery dwelt upon you, for our salvation. We will stay quiet because we aren’t able to search into the matter completely, as the greatness of it requires, and will be able to describe the Performer of good things, through the wonder of the manifestation. Ask for us Holy.

The word of the living father descended upon mount Sinai, and gave the law to Moses, and covered the mountain in mist and smoke, in darkness and storm,  and with the sound of trumpets. He admonished those standing in fear. Ask for us Holy.

He descended to you. O mount rational, in humility the lover of mankind became man within you. Without change, he took a perfect flesh, endowed with reason like ourselves. Through the spirit of wisdom, God dwelt upon you, became perfect man to save and forgive the sin of Adam, allowing  him to sit in heaven and return him to his former state through his great compassion and mercy. Ask for us Holy.

It is impossible to describe the greatness of the Virgin. For God has chosen, come, and dwelt upon her. He who dwells in light, whom none can approach, was carried in your womb for 9 months; the invisible, the incomprehensible, did Mary, the Virgin, bring forth. Ask for us Holy.

This is the stone which the prophet Daniel saw; fashioned from a high mountain without hands. This is the word, who went forth from the father, became incarnate from the Virgin without the seed of man, and saved us. Ask for us Holy.

You became a pure twig and a vessel of faith. The true faith of the saints our fathers. O pure mother of God, the sealed virgin, for us you brought forth the word of the Father Jesus Christ who came for our salvation. Ask for us Holy.

You are the mother of the glorious light, mother of God; you carried the invisible Word. After you gave birth to him, you were a virgin; with praise and blessing they will magnify you. Ask for us Holy.

What tongue is able to speak that which is to be declared of you. O pure virgin, mother of the Word of the Father, you became the throne of the King whom the Cherubim carry. O blessed, we praise you and remember your name from generation unto generation. O  beautiful dove, mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask for us Holy.

Rejoice, O Mary, mother and maid. He who is in thy bosom is praised by angels. The Cherubim bow to him in fear and the Seraphim, without ceasing, spread our their wings, and cry saying “This is the King of Glory”. He came and forgave the sins of the world, with his great compassion. Ask for us Holy.