Sunday (Praise of Mary)

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You were called Beloved, O blessed of women. You are the second chamber called Holy of Holies and within you is the tablet of the covenant. The ten commandments were written by the fingers of God. Before, He, made known to us by “Yawta (ie. Iota), which is the first name [letter of name] of our savior Jesus Christ who was incarnate within you without change. And He became the mediator of the new testament. By the shedding of his Holy blood He cleansed the believers and the pure. Ask for us Holy.

And because of this we all magnify you, O our Lady, mother of God, pure always, we beseech you and lift our eyes upon you so that we may receive mercy from the Lover of men. You are the ark, covered in gold on all sides, made of wood that never perishes which foreshadowed for us the word of God who became man without separation or change of the Deity. Pure, without change, He exists with the Father and announced to the pure. Without seed, he became like us, with his mighty wisdom, Holy became incarnate within you. Without corruption He added His Divinity. Ask for us Holy.