Monday (Praise of Mary)

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God, wished to free Adam, whose heart was sad and sorrowful, and bring him back to his former state. Ask for us Holy.

From a virgin, without the seed of man, he was born in the flesh and saved us. God passed judgement upon Eve, the one who the serpent deceived,  by saying “I will multiply greatly your pain and suffering”. He loved mankind and therefore set her free. Ask for us Holy.

The Word who became man and dwelt among us is Jesus Christ. We saw his glory, just like he was the only-begotten of the father. He pleased to forgive us.  Ask for us Holy.

The prophet Isaiah, through the Holy Spirit, saw the mystery of Emmanuel. Because of this he cried out saying, “A child is born unto us, a Son is given unto us”. Ask for us Holy

O mankind, rejoice and be glad. God has loved the world and given over his only Son so that all who believe in him may have everlasting life. The Most High has sent to us his arm. Ask for us Holy.

The word Jesus Christ, who was, who is, who came and who will come again, without change became incarnate. The one Son was without separation in all his works. Indeed, the word of God, Divinity, is one being. Ask for us Holy.

The city of the prophets, O Bethlehem, rejoice. For in thee, the second Adam, Christ, was born in order to return the former Adam from earth into paradise; in order to destroy his judgement of death saying “O Adam, you were earth so you will return to earth”. Whereupon, much sin is present, the grace of God is plentiful. Ask for us Holy.

The souls of all men rejoice, are glad and glorify Christ the king, with the angles, crying out and saying; “Glory to God in the heavens, and peace on earth; his goodwill towards mankind”. He has abolished the curse of old and toppled the plot of the Enemy. For Adam and for Eve, he has torn their bills of indictment. He who was born in the city of David, our saviour, Jesus Christ, has set free Adam and Eve. Ask for us Holy.

You, the true light who shines for all mankind living in the world, because of your love for mankind, you came into this world, and all creation rejoiced at your coming. You saved Adam from his error, and set free Eve from the suffering of death. And you gave us the spirit from which we shall be born. We blessed you with your angles. Ask for us Holy.